Published: May 6th, 2008 by Hyperion
Genre: YA Science Fiction/ Fantasy / Paranormal
Binding: Hardcover
Page Count: 392 in my copy
Part of a series? Yes, it's part of a trilogy (I believe it's just a trilogy, not a longer series.)
Amazon link.
Summary (from the inside of the cover because the goodreads one isn't very... summary-ish): Phoebe is just your typical goth girl with a crush. He's strong and silent... and dead.
All over the country, a strange phemomenon is occurring. Some teenagers who die aren't staying dead. They are coming back to life, but they are no longer the same. Termed "living impaired" or "differently biotic," they are doing their best to blend into society again.
But the kids at Oakvale High don't want to take classes or eat in the cafeteria next to someone who isn't breathing. And there are no laws to protect the differently biotic from people who want them to disappear - for good.
With her pale skin and goth wardrobe, Phoebe Kendall has never run with the popular crowd. But no one can believe it when she falls for Tommy Williams, the leader of the dead kids: not her best friend, Margi, and especially not her neighbor, Adam, the star of the football team. Adam has realized that his feelings for Phoebe run much deeper than just friendship. He would do anything for her - but what if protecting Tommy is the one thing that would make her happy?
Review: I first heard about Generation Dead in May or June of 2008 when I first started getting into online book stuff and I was really excited about it. Then, of course, I never got around to reading it because I suck at ordering books from the library. That is, until I got an email offering me an oppurtunity to review Passing Strange (the third book in the series) and I got this one from the library. Now, let's move on from the backstory to the actual review.
I found the whole zombie aspect of Generation Dead absolutely fascinating. While the third person narration wasn't as deep as I'm used to (deep third person reads like first person in third person), I adjusted after a chapter or two and by the end of the book, I was hooked. Part of the slow adjustment was that I was sick and on Nyquil, and my attention span was short as heck. And, wow, the ending was incredible.
Plot (in my words): Ah... read the summary. My neck hurts and I'm not thinking too well right now.
Characters: I wasn't sure if I liked Phoebe at first, honestly, or Adam. They're both interesting characters, but because the voice is somewhat removed, it's a bit hard to connect to them. Again, though, sick and Nyquil.
After a while, I grew to love Adam, and thought he was an excellant narrator. Tommy, too, I really liked, because he wasn't your typical hero/hot guy/love interest. And Karen (I totally love Karen). Honestly, the "differently biotic" kids were my favourites. Daniel Waters creates really great characters. I mean, at one point I even sympathized for the antagonist and how often does that happen?
Cons, complaints, bad stuff, etc.: Like I said, the voice was a little flat at first and somewhat slow, but I did get really into it by the end of the book, and it wasn't enough to make me stop reading. I just had to adjust.
Cover comments: I love this cover. I love the girl on the cover, I love that the image stretches all the way around the book (see?), I love the font on the cover, and that the colours are a little bit faded. All in all, I just like it. (The UK cover? Not my favourite. I like flowers and all, but I like this cover better.)
Conclusion: While it took me a while to get into, I really enjoyed Generation Dead, and the killer ending made me grab Kiss of Death almost as soon as I finished. Four out of five roses.

Other notes:
- The character Tommy writes a blog in the book called "" and you can actually read it here (but I wouldn't if you haven't read the books as it could spoil for you).
- The chapter title font (you know, where it says "Chapter One" or whatever) is the same as in Bad Girls Don't Die. I know they're published by the same publisher, but I just thought it was cool.
Okay, that's everything.
Peace and cookies,
(Look for my review of Passing Strange next Monday!)
ReplyDeleteI would really appreciate it if in your about me you would say how old you are. Your review is extremely outstanding and it probably would be more so if I knew that you were only a teenager writing reviews on books. I am currently writing a murder mystery book that I one day will have published, and when it is I will contact you to have you do a report on it. This review is very thorough and I am going to continue to check back on your site whenever I can so that I can see any other book reviews you have. Oh and I am going to tell all my friends that are obsessed with generation dead to check out your blog!!! Happy readings!
The totally funny thing is that I never read GD and yet I totally ignored your warnings to not read the review >_< I can't help it! Finding out what happens never ruins books for me because if I'm gonna read it it;s about the journey not the ending (not that I EVER read the ending before hand because somehow reading the end does ruin it...dunno why *shrugs*). Anyways, great review and I hope you're feeling betteer now ^^
ReplyDeleteOmg I think I just commented on the wrong post... I am going to bed now....T_T
ReplyDeleteElizbeth: I'm 18 (as of about three weeks ago). Thanks for commenting!
ReplyDeleteAmber: *snicker* Don't worry about it. I get the whole tired thing :P Thanks for commenting!
I really enjoyed this book when I first read it, naming it one of my favourite reads of the year. However, despite have both sequels on my shelf, I’ve never picked them up. I’m definitely going to have to finish this series soon.
ReplyDeleteUnder The Mountain