Please welcome LJ to the blog!
Q. Tell us a little about your books!
My books are often very different from each other as I like lots of genres. I focus on LGBTQAI+ romance so far M/M and F/F but the settings of those romances are all different, from werewolves and witches in “Midnight Kiss” to more every day people in “Petrichor”. I like to show how love can spring up at any time in any place, even when hunting monsters. At the moment I only have erotica stories out under L.J.Hamlin but I hope to add young adult books too under Lizzie Colt.
Q. What made you write the stories you did? What do they mean to you?
I’ve always been a writer since I was a kid, I started writing for fun, and to bring queer characters that I didn’t get to see in the books I found, and then as I got older and my health declined I wanted to see disabled queer characters like me in books, so I started writing them.
Q. What are some of your favourite things to read in queer books?
I love reading supernatural stories that world build creatively and build their own world and I like seeing disabled characters getting to have adventures and romance without a cure being the goal of the book.
Q. Got any fun summer reading plans?
I want to catch up on some books between writing like the Chameleon moon series, some Shira Glassman books and hopefully some more poetry books if money allows.
Q. Tell us one of your favourite experiences with someone who’s read your book.
One of my closest friends actually started reading my books online before she knew I was writing and when I told her she was so excited and told me one of my short stories had made her think differently about sex and pleasure. It brought us closer and she encouraged me to not hide my writing from those around me so it was good for us both.
Q. I want queer vampires to become a thing in 2020. What is a thing you would love to see in queer books in the future?
Well you’ll love me as queer vampires of all kinds are on my WIP list, so many plots so little time. I’d like to see more different kinds of shapeshifters like the ferret shifter in my recent book.
Q. What’s your favourite recent queer read?
Neil Hillbourn's poetry book was a recent favourite.
Q. What’s something you always want to say in interviews but no one ever asks?
Hmm good question. Maybe who is my biggest supporter? And that would be my mum, she taught a dyslexic child to read and to love it and she supported me being a writer, always told me to never give up unless I wanted to.
Q. Favourite summer drink?
Jamaican fruit punch, preferably ice cold.
Q. Favourite outdoor summer activity?
I love finding a shady spot and writing or going for a walk along the beach if I get a chance.
LJ is a disabled queer writer in her late twenties. She loves writing all kinds of different books with a romance twist and has been writing all her life. Writing can often be hard due to pain but can also often be an escape from it and it’ll always be part of her life. You can find her on twitter @LJHamlin and @LizzieColt, on Facebook as LJ Hamlin and Lizzie Colt, and support her on Patreon and Ko-Fi.
Thank again for joining us!
Peace and popsicles,
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