Review policy
As of February 2019, I'm currently accepting books for consideration to review.
Please do not send me review pitches for self-published books or ebooks unless we already have a relationship.
I am very selective in accepting books to review as I don't like to get too far behind or become overwhelmed or get a really bad backlog. Please be aware that I am Canada-based if you would like to send me a review request. While you may notice in reviews that I do review some books from Edelweiss, those are only books that I requested myself. E-books can pile up very quickly for me, and I'm not looking to add to that. Just for the record, I also don't really like NetGalley - it doesn't always get along with my kindle.
Please include in your email, at the very least, a summary of the book. The author's name would also be nice if you are emailing me on behalf of someone else.
This blog is devoted mainly to my YA readings, but I also enjoy middle grade books and love to review those as well. I read some adult books, a little bit of romance and the occasional mystery, but don't normally review them. I also have been trying to read more graphic novels and comic books lately, and more non-fiction would be cool, especially YA and MG non-fiction.
I generally do not read or review erotica and I'm not big on New Adult. I'm really ace and sometimes I laugh at really explicit sex scenes. You probably don't want me reviewing your erotica. On that note, please send all your asexual (and aromantic!!) books my way! Seriously. I want them all. And every single fat positive book you have. And of course, I am open to diverse books of all kind. That sounds like I'm looking for ally cookies, but someone said they looked for that in review policies, so if you wanted to know, there you are.
People have also said that they want to know what people do with ARCs after they finish them, so here's that. Most of the ARCs I get are eARCs I request, so those just... do what eARCs do, since you can't legally share them or anything. When I get a physical ARC, if I really like the book honestly I mostly keep the book. Sometimes I try to give away ARCs to classmates or other bloggers, but unless the person is also in Canada, that can cost like 12 dollars a book or more and that just seems incredibly wasteful for an ARC. And also I'm broke. So when I want to get rid of an ARC I either donate it to my local thrift store, or put it in the little "take a book, leave a book" library outside my library.
I don't usually like reviewing on a schedule because life tends to get in the way and I stress out, so I rarely do book tours. Send them my way, but be aware I'll be extra picky. I don't guarantee a review. I will try my hardest, but I can't promise anything. I prefer not to review books I don't finish.
I will not guarantee a review on a schedule.
Couple of language notes - this blog does not use the -phobia suffix to describe prejudices, choosing instead to use -misia. This blog also will refer to authors using "they/them" pronouns when necessary if the author's pronouns are not easily found on twitter or websites, because I really dislike guessing.
On repostings, book reports, and the like:
Hey, friends searching weird summary keywords? I know you probably got assigned something that I reviewed, but please don't use me to do your homework. My reviews are not summaries to write book reports off. This weirds me out. Please just don't.
Regarding reposting - Quotes or pieces of reviews may be posted on your site as long as you link to my blog and give me full and proper credit. Please do not repost entire posts.
Giveaways, Interviews, etc.
I love hosting giveaways, as long as you cover the shipping because I'm, you know, broke and in Canada and shipping sucks. I enjoy posting guest blogs and interviews, but for some reason don't post a ton. But just ask about that kind of stuff, okay? Also, if you have kind of fun video, quiz, game, or the like for your book you'd like to share - I like posting that kind of stuff in my Friday posts!
Affliliate links and disclosure thingamabob:
Posts of this blog may include affiliate links. I am an Amazon affiliate, as well as one with Book Depository and IndieBound, and link with affiliate links in most of my reviews and some other posts. I've made less than a hundred dollars in ten years through these. This is not a particularly profitable habit.
There will be books on this blog that come from authors and publishers. I do not get monetary compensation for my reviews and all reviews are honest. I have had a company sponsor a post once, but they were not a publisher, and the sponsorship had nothing to do with the content of the post. Funds received for anything on this blog will more than likely go back into the blog in some way or another. Or groceries. Or hair dye. I do have a ko-fi link on my sidebar if you would like to pitch in for the tip jar. I appreciate everyone who does that.
I used to do posts that explained where I got the books I reviewed, and those can be found under this tag, but I now state where I got the book in each post I do. Lots of library, some I bought, some won from contests, some sent to me for review. On the rare rare rare occasion that I'm sent something other than books (which, again, is incredibly rare - this is a book blog) I will mention it in the post.
There will be books on this blog that come from authors and publishers. I do not get monetary compensation for my reviews and all reviews are honest. I have had a company sponsor a post once, but they were not a publisher, and the sponsorship had nothing to do with the content of the post. Funds received for anything on this blog will more than likely go back into the blog in some way or another. Or groceries. Or hair dye. I do have a ko-fi link on my sidebar if you would like to pitch in for the tip jar. I appreciate everyone who does that.
I used to do posts that explained where I got the books I reviewed, and those can be found under this tag, but I now state where I got the book in each post I do. Lots of library, some I bought, some won from contests, some sent to me for review. On the rare rare rare occasion that I'm sent something other than books (which, again, is incredibly rare - this is a book blog) I will mention it in the post.
Ways to contact me and places I am:
LibraryThing: (which has largely been used for books I used to use for work - that's where to go if you need to find picture books)
Facebook: You can be my friend here or like my page here
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