If you would be interested in writing a guest blog here for Queer Summer Reading, we really want to hear from you! We'd also love if people made any kind of post on their own blogs and websites, but guest blogs are super fun!
Some subjects we'd really like to read about:
- An F/F spotlight (especially intersectional F/F and indie books)
- Rec lists of any type related to our challenge
- Posts about your own experience as someone of an intersectional identity/what you look for in books/what that kind of representation means to you/you get the drift
- Camp stories! (That's a bit of a clue for stuff to come)
As you may know, I do Book Blogger Hop regularly. There are a few prompts that I think would make good guest posts, so let's talk about them real quick.
Click to enlarge, but I'll type them out, too.
The ones I'd be specifically interested in seeing would be:
"If you were stranded on a deserted island, which ONE book could you not live without?" and my own follow-up, "Why?" I think it would be really fun if 5-10 people answered this with a short response, like something under 300 words. This would be posted July 6th.
"Do you agree or disagree with this statement: A blogger's first name should be in a prominent place on their blog." I think it could be very interesting to discuss this in depth from a queer (especially trans) perspective, as this really seems to ignore safety issues like being outed. That is one of the reasons I personally blog under a pseudonym, but I think someone else could address this better than me. This would be posted July 27th.
"Do you have a Youtube channel? If so, do you post review vlogs?" I don't really watch BookTube (my YouTube interests are weird), but I think this could be a really cool way to profile around ten or so queer youtubers (again, especially ones with intersectional identities, like queer disabled youtubers or queer POC youtubers), and if anyone would like to do that, I think that could be great. This would be posted August 30th, because we'll probably be doing something else on the 31st.
And before I post the sign-up sheet, let's talk scheduling. (Templates from CalenderLabs.com)
Dark purple = Posts I already have scheduled. (Yeah, it's May and I have posts scheduled for August. I'm like that.)
Light purple = Days I usually post something but don't have it scheduled yet - these are obviously subject to change
Pink = Days I would like to have those Book Blogger Hop posts if possible.
Green = Tentative Twitter chat dates.
So there are tons of open spaces, and this gives you a good idea of what dates are available.
In case the embedding doesn't work for whatever reason, here is a link to the sign-up sheet.
I can't wait to hear from all of you!
More posts will be coming very soon also.
Peace and popsicles,
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