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Friday, October 5, 2018

Book Blogger Hop (14)

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books and is now hosted by Billy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

Can I just say how cute this graphic is? I tweaked the html a tiny bit just to make it look better on my own layout, since the borders look a lot better on a dark background, and they strain the eye a little on a white background in my opinion, but it's super cute and really fun. And this Halloween girl is so ready for this.

This week's question is: It's getting close to Halloween. If you HAD to read one of these two genres, which would you prefer -- urban fantasy, or horror, and why?

My answer: Urban fantasy, for sure. I am not that big of a fan of horror, plus honestly there's not a huge range of modern MG and YA horror, so it'd be really hard to find stuff. A lot of adult horror just does a lot of things I'm not a big fan of, and so. It'd be hard, and I'm definitely much more into urban fantasy anyways.

*vibrates* HALLOWEEN!!

Peace and pumpkin cookies,


  1. I chose UF as well. It was more by default because Urban Fantasy is a pretty straight forward genre. Horror is all over the place.

  2. YAAAAAY!!! Another UF fan!! I can't stand the horror genre, as I HATE feeling afraid and helpless in the face of evil. Besides, I think UF is MUCH more interesting! I think the plots are better, the characters better developed, and the world-building AMAZING!

    Thanks for sharing!! Hope you're having a nice Saturday!! <3 :)

  3. I'm always going to pick horror or UF. My favorite horror writers are Stephen King and John Saul.


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