Alright, so I didn't get too terribly much this week, but I'm very happy about what I did get. Hey, you know what? Since there aren't that many and it was such a big hit last week, how about we do alternate cover thing again? Which, of course, is inspired by Lexi's weekly feature of the same name.
Dark forces are at work at the House of Night and fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird’s adventures at the school take a mysterious turn. Those who appear to be friends are turning out to be enemies. And oddly enough, sworn enemies are also turning into friends. So begins the gripping third installment of this “highly addictive series” (Romantic Times), in which Zoey’s mettle will be tested like never before. Her best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead and struggling to maintain a grip on her humanity. Zoey doesn’t have a clue how to help her, but she does know that anything she and Stevie Rae discover must be kept secret from everyone else at the House of Night, where trust has become a rare commodity. Speaking of rare: Zoey finds herself in the very unexpected and rare position of having three boyfriends. Mix a little bloodlust into the equation and the situation has the potential to spell social disaster. Just when it seems things couldn’t get any tougher, vampyres start turning up dead. Really dead. It looks like the People of Faith, and Zoey’s horrid step-father in particular, are tired of living side-by-side with vampyres. But, as Zoey and her friends so often find out, how things appear rarely reflects the truth…
Summary from goodreads.
The 30% off table got me again... and I won the first two of these from I Heart Monster, so I figured I may as well get the next two, since they were there. It's probably a good thing I did, because my mom started reading them and really likes them. Anyways, I found two different covers for Chosen, this one, which is pretty cool, and this one, which I don't like much. I like the cover I bought best, though.
Life sucks when your friends are pissed at you. Just ask Zoey Redbird; she's become an expert on suckiness. In one week she has gone from having three boyfriends to having none, and from having a close group of friends who trusted and supported her, to being an outcast. Speaking of friends, the only two Zoey has left are undead and unMarked. And Neferet has declared war on humans, which Zoey knows in her heart is wrong. But will anyone listen to her? Zoey's adventures at vampyre finishing school take a wild and dangerous turn as loyalties are tested, shocking true intentions come to light, and an ancient evil is awakened in PC and Kristin Cast's spellbinding fourth House of Night novel.
Summary from goodreads.
The only alternative cover I found for Untamed is this one, which I'm pretty sure is the UK cover (I found it on amazon UK after seeing it on goodreads.) I do like the writing, but on the cover of my copy, the vine stuff is all shiny and pretty.
Two girls haunted by the past...and destined to relive it
In Legacy of Lies, Megan has to stay with the uptight grandmother she wants nothing to do with. She's determined to get through the visit without any drama, but when she falls into a twisted love triangle with potentially fatal consequences, Megan may be caught up in her family's legacy in more ways than she realizes.
In Don't Tell, Lauren knows that by returning to the town where her mother drowned seven years ago, she'll be reliving one of her most haunting memories. When she arrives, she is propelled into a series of mysterious events that mimic the days leading up to her mother's death. Maybe her mother's drowning wasn't an accident after all...and maybe Lauren is next.
Summary from goodreads.
This might sound a bit odd, but I really like the shape of this book. It's a short, fat book. Plus, I've read some of the Dark Secrets books, so I grabbed it. Anyways, these aren't really altnerate covers, they're the originals as this is a repeat (and are pretty cool themselves), but whatever. Legacy of Lies and Don't Tell.
Alexis thought she led a typically dysfunctional high school existence. Dysfunctional like her parents' marriage; her doll-crazy twelve-year-old sister, Kasey; and even her own anti-social, anti-cheerleader attitude.
When a family fight results in some tearful sisterly bonding, Alexis realizes that her life is creeping from dysfunction into danger. Kasey is acting stranger than ever: her blue eyes go green sometimes; she uses old-fashioned language; and she even loses track of chunks of time, claiming to know nothing about her strange behavior. Their old house is changing, too. Doors open and close by themselves; water boils on the unlit stove; and an unplugged air conditioner turns the house cold enough to see their breath in.
Alexis wants to think that it's all in her head, but soon, what she liked to think of as silly parlor tricks are becoming life-threatening--to her, her family, and to her budding relationship with the class president. Alexis knows she's the only person who can stop Kasey -- but what if that green-eyed girl isn't even Kasey anymore?Summary from goodreads.
I won this from a contest over at the epic rat and can I just say YAY!!!! I've been hoping for this one for a while now. When it got here, I just sat and stared at it for like five minutes. *pets* Anyways, no alternate cover, but click the picture, it's huge and gorgeous.
I'll admit, I'm a tiny bit nervous about this one. See... I'm sort of chicken when it comes to ghost stories. And then I watched the trailor for it right before bed, and not only did it nearly give me a heart attack, it sorta made me have weird dreams too. (Not nightmares, just weird dreams.) So this might be one I have to read in the daytime with the doors locked and my stuffed duck to protect me. (Inside joke. I'm not serious. Not really.)
Check out the trailor, though, it's awesome. And I don't watch book trailors that often (I'm usually listening to music), so that's saying something for me.
Okay, that's it for me for this week!
Peace and cookies,
Great books! I really recommend Bad Girls Don't Die- it's amazing.(:
ReplyDeleteI've heard some awesome things about Bad Girls Don't Die. Hope you enjoy all the books!
ReplyDeleteAhhh, what a good pile! I can't wait to read Chosen. Haven't heard of Bad Girls Don't Die until now, either.
ReplyDeleteIm thinking od buying the Key one and the Bad Girls Dont Die one. Let me know how they turn out.
ReplyDeleteI've read all the House Of Nights and man are they good.
ReplyDeleteAward for you at my blog, bwahahaha!
ReplyDeleteYay for Bad Girls Don't Die. I love the Dark Secrets books.
All those books sound really great. Enjoy.
Kelsey: I can't wait to read it! It's really close to the top of my reading plan.
ReplyDeletePeaches: Me too, and Katie Alender is the nicest person.
Sarbear: I need to read the entire series. XD I've got them all, I just haven't read them yet. And thanks for the award!
Tasch: Sure, soon as I read them, I'll let you know. :)
J.J.: You're torturing me here. My own mother has read them and I haven't. How sad, hey? lol
Bri: I did, too, I'm pretty sure. Hopefully they hold to what I remember.
Marie: Thanks! I will ^^