I had ordered a book from the library, and I started reading it and I... didn't like it. I got a couple chapters into it, and the voice wasn't working for me at all. I went and read some goodreads reviews and nothing about them really made me want to read it. Since it was pretty late already, it was too late to order anything else, and I was tired and didn't really care that much. Oh well!
I did read a Bingo book, though.

Published: August 8th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary YA
Binding: Hardcover
Page Count: 327 plus acknowlegements
Part of a series? Not so far as I know
Got via: The library
Amazon / Book Depository / Indiebound
Summary (from goodreads): When Suzette comes home to Los Angeles from her boarding school in New England, she isn't sure if she'll ever want to go back. L.A. is where her friends and family are (along with her crush, Emil). And her stepbrother, Lionel, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, needs her emotional support.
But as she settles into her old life, Suzette finds herself falling for someone new...the same girl her brother is in love with. When Lionel's disorder spirals out of control, Suzette is forced to confront her past mistakes and find a way to help her brother before he hurts himself--or worse.
The part where I talk: Review to come on this, obviously, but I really liked it.
And my bingo card:
Six books to go, so I'm hopeful about finishing well!
Although the lateness of this post isn't a great sign...
How's your progress on your 2017 goals going?
Peace and cookies,
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