So what's up for grabs?
Being the first female werecat enforcer isn't easy. Scars accumulate, but I'm stronger in so many ways.
As for my personal life? It's complicated. Choices worth making always are. Ever since my brother's death and my father's impeachment, it's all I can do to prevent more blood from spilling. Now our Pride is under attack by a flight of vicious thunderbirds. And making peace with our new enemies may be the only way to get the best of our old foe.
With the body count rising and treachery everywhere, my instincts tell me to look before I leap. But sometimes a leap of faith is the only real option...
(Summary from goodreads.)
I wish I had more to give away, but unless you guys want random Saskatchewan library bookmarks, I'm all out of stuff.
There will be four winners chosen.
Winner number one will receive Shift and a bottle of nail polish.
Winners number two, three, and four will each receive a bottle of nail polish.
This contest is going to be *gulp* open internationally until... how about five weeks? Which is *checks calendar because it's 6am* April 29th. Sounds good to me.
To enter:
Leave a comment on this post with your email address. No email address, no entry. I won't go to your profile to look it up or accept any other form of contact. If you aren't comfortable leaving your email address in the comments, you can of course email your entry to me at but I ask that you please make the subject of the email "250 Followers Contest".
Extra entries:
+5 A theme in The Dark Divine is forgiveness. Tell me about a time it was difficult for you to forgive someone or post your opinion on why forgiveness is important.
+3 Fill out this survey. You must either use the same name as you're commenting under or include your email address for this to count towards your entry. I'd prefer if you include your email address in case more than one person with the same name fills it out. And you have to answer at least 3 questions, not counting name/email. Also, be honest!
+1 Become a follower through my Google Friend Connect widget. (If you follow through a feed reader such as Google Reader, that's fine, just let me know in your comment.)
+2 Current followers.
+1 Link to this post somewhere. You can do that in a blog post, in your blog sidebar, on Twitter, on a message board, whatever you can think of, but it only counts once per place. A sidebar link and a blog post link do, however, count as seperate entries. Leave a link to that here or it won't count.
Remember, you do not have to do any of the extra entries if you don't want to. You only need to either leave me a comment with your email address or and email me your address to enter. That's it. The rest is completely optional.
And please do try to keep it in one comment. Obviously if you forget something or need to change something in your entry, you can post again, but please don't comment once per entry as that fills up my inbox like crazy and makes me slightly crazy(er).
Quick recap:
Prize: 1st place - One copy of Shift by Rachel Vincent and a bottle of The Dark Divine nail polish. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places - One bottle of nail polish each.
Open to: Everyone!
End date: 11:59pm, Thursday April 29th, 2010. I'll schedule a post for you guys in case I'm not here/exhausted because Thursdays are work days, so you know when it ends.
Okay, so I think that's everything. Thank you guys so much for following me and commenting and everything. You guys are awesome!
Peace and good luck cookies,