Q. Tell us a little about your books!
I write urban fantasy and modern fantasy and portal fantasy under my own name, and biomedical science fiction thrillers under the name “Mira Grant.” I don’t sleep very much, so I write a lot of books.
Q. What made you write the stories you did? What do they mean to you?
I write the books I write, and tell the stories I tell, because those are the stories I have in me. We’re all made out of stories, and the ones we tell best are the ones baked into our bones. I know where some of them came from. Others are eternal surprises. But I make them work for me.
Q. What are some of your favourite things to read in queer books?
Happy, realistic relationships. Queer communities that feel like my own. Good dialog. I think all books, queer or not, are better with good dialog.
Q. Got any fun summer reading plans?
I’m going to continue to tackle my to-be-read pile like it was the final boss between me and finishing the dungeon, and maybe I’ll find some gems in there.
Q. Tell us one of your favourite experiences with someone who’s read your book.
Oh, goshbiscuits. I was having dinner with someone who’d read some of my work and wasn’t all that excited about it, and then she found out I was Mira Grant, and proceeded to get all fannish and shy. It was adorable.
Q. I want queer vampires to become a thing in 2020. What is a thing you would love to see in queer books in the future?
I’d like to see more casual queerness. I don’t want characters to have a specific orientation because it means something, I want them to be queer because sometimes people are queer.
Q. What’s your favourite recent queer read or a queer book that you're looking forward to?
Winter Tide, by Ruthanna Emrys, is the sort of incredible, queer dissection of the Cthulhu mythos that Lovecraft would hate and I absolutely adore.
Q. What’s something you always want to say in interviews but no one ever asks?
My cats are amazing.
Q. Favourite summer drink?
Diet Dr Pepper.
10. Favourite frozen summer treat?
Ice cream!
Q. Favourite outdoor summer activity?
Blueberry picking.
Q. Favourite thing to do on a rainy summer day?
Blueberry picking.
Seanan McGuire lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest, although she travels enough that her cats would like to argue with that statement. Her first book was released in 2009, which no one really seems to believe anymore. She does not sleep enough. Keep up with her at www.seananmcguire.com, or on Twitter as @seananmcguire.
Thanks again for joining us!
On a sad note, Seanan is having a difficult time right now. Her dear sweet cat Alice is very, very sick. So if you are interested in any of her books, or want to sign up for her Patreon, I'd be very proud of you.
Peace and cookies,
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