This week I'm featuring:

Release date: August 7th, 2018 (My mom's birthday again!)
Amazon / Book Depository / Indiebound
Summary (from goodreads): Twelve-year-old Lowen Grover, a budding comic-book artist, is still reeling from the shooting death of his friend Abe when he stumbles across an article about a former mill town giving away homes for just one dollar. It not only seems like the perfect escape from Flintlock and all of the awful memories associated with the city, but an opportunity for his mum to run her very own business. Fortunately, his family is willing to give it a try.
But is the Dollar Program too good to be true? The homes are in horrible shape, and the locals are less than welcoming. Will Millville and the dollar house be the answer to the Grovers’ troubles? Or will they find they’ve traded one set of problems for another?
Why I'm excited: You all know I love middle grade books, and this sounds like a heartstring-tugger. That also seems like a very interesting premise. I've never read a book with a premise like this, and I'm excited to find out more.
What are you all looking forward to this week?
Peace and cookies,
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